Want Your Workouts To Build Your Health For Years To Come?

"New FREE Book Shows The Secrets To Building Lasting Health

With Exercise That Mainstream Fitness Doesn't Want You To Know..."

With Exercise That Mainstream Fitness Doesn't Want You To Know..."

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I'd love to get a FREE copy of my best-selling book to you ASAP!

So, How Do You Exercise In A Way That Builds Your Health

(AKA Exercise For Life)

(AKA Exercise For Life)

Day After Day For Years To Come?

Day After Day For Years To Come?

From: Charlie Cates, M.S.
Schaumburg, IL

What if I told you that the mainstream fitness industry wasn't actually trying to help you be healthier...

The truth is, the fitness industry is screwed up.

In fact, in the U.S. there are more doctor's visits created every single day due to injuries and issues from working out than there are diagnosed cases of heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer... COMBINED.

Exercise is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your health and function, but how we are all being taught to exercise is, in many ways, creating more issues than it is solving.

Can you relate to this?

Have you ever felt like your workouts were breaking your body down instead of building it up?

Have you ever been frustrated that the thing that is supposed to be making you healthier (i.e. exercise) only seems to make you worse?

Have you ever thought...

"If I Can't Exercise Now Without My Body Feeling Terrible,
How Am I Going To Do This As I Get Older?"

I've been there myself, as have many of the clients I work with and people I interact with daily.

I can say for certain that you are not alone.

I also know that there are some slight changes you can make to how you are exercising that can completely transform how your body feels and functions during and after your workouts.

Hi, my name is Charlie Cates and I am the author of the new book called The Exercise For Life Method.

For over a decade, I have been helping people improve their health and function with exercise, but it didn't start off that way for me.

In fact, when I was just 24 years old, my body felt the worst it ever had. I was a couple of years removed from my senior season of college basketball and everything hurt.

From the outside looking in, I was fit and healthy, but the truth was my body was hiding a secret.

Yes, I could lift a lot of weight, run fast, and jump high, but deep-down I knew my body was broken and I wouldn't be able to keep it up much longer.

Through the teachings of some brilliant mentors and a lot of self-exploration on my own, I was able to change not just how I participated in exercise, but how I thought about exercise altogether.

Ultimately, these experiences allowed me to create what I want to share with you in my new book called:

The Exercise For Life Method

The Secrets To Building Lasting Health & Physical Freedom Through Exercise That Mainstream Fitness Doesn't Want You To Know

I wrote this book because every single day I talk with people who either aren't exercising because of how it makes their body feel or they are continuing to exercise despite the toll it is taking on their health.

How mainstream fitness markets and delivers exercise leads us to believe that "no pain, no gain" is just the way it has to be, but this could not be further from the truth!

In fact, in The Exercise For Life Method, I will be letting you in on the exercise secrets that can actually build the health and function of your body - the ones mainstream fitness has been keeping from the masses.

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And I Will Send You A FREE Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method!

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All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling expense, and I will send the book to you anywhere in the world! You can also get a copy of the audiobook for a small additional fee once you click below and put in your details...

Inside Of This NEW Book... Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You Will Learn!

Inside The Exercise For Life Method, I will be unveiling how we have all been led astray by the mainstream fitness industry about what exercise is and should be.

I will be teaching you the secrets to building lasting health and physical freedom through exercise and will give you the exact exercise frameworks to use to improve the health and function of your muscles, your joints, your cardiovascular system, your brain, and more.

Here is a sneak peak of what you will be learning:

  • What The Goal Of Exercise Actually Is & How To Achieve It so you can stop spinning your wheels and start creating results that are sustainable (page 24)
  • The Six Components Of Health-Focused Exercise so you can effectively structure your workouts to build your health and function (page 30)
  • How To Build Muscle Optimally so you can stop doing all of the things mainstream fitness tells you to do that are just leaving you injured (page 35)
  • What Your Joints Actually Need To Be Healthy so you can exercise in a way to improve this (page 64)
  • ​​​What You Need To Consider Before Doing Any Exercise to make sure it is something that will build your body instead of break it down (page 89)
  • ​​​How To Effectively Fight Your Brain Shrinking With Age so your mind can stay robust (page 143)
  • ​​What The #1 Killer Of Americans Is Today and how to exercise to minimize its influence - you won't find it on any medical list anywhere! (page 189)
  • ​​What To Prioritize During Your Workouts To Stay Injury-Free so you can keep doing all of the things in life that bring you joy for as long as you want to do them (page 195)
  • A Clear Roadmap To Understanding What You Need To Do To Consistently Build Your Health With Exercise so you can implement an effective plan of action no matter how frequently (or not) you are currently exercising (page 208)
  • ​​The Two Exercise Frameworks To Follow To Get As Many Of The Health Benefits From Exercise As Possible so you can cut out the guesswork and stick to what the science says works best (page 215)

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And I Will Send You A FREE Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method!

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All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling expense, and I will send the book to you anywhere in the world! You can also get a copy of the audiobook for a small additional fee once you click below and put in your details...

Claim Your Copy Of This Best-Selling Book NOW and Get These Exclusive BONUSES For FREE!

BONUS #1 - Library of On-Demand Workouts

"The Exercise For Life Membership"

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When you get your copy of my new book, The Exercise For Life Method, you are going to get a link to activate a 30-day trial to the Exercise For Life Membership for FREE! Access hundreds of on-demand workouts and programs where Julie and I will show you the exact methods to exercise consistently from your home no matter how little time or equipment you have. We have also included exclusive educational content that you will get immediate access to when you register!!

Get Instant Access For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method Today!

BONUS #2 - Your Questions Answered!

"Live Q&A Session + Replay Access"

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The next BONUS is an exclusive 90-Minute Q&A session with me where I will be answering the top questions people have submitted about The Exercise For Life Method!

When you order TODAY, you will get immediate access to the replay for the call where I dive in deep into the most commonly asked questions about this book and the easiest ways to start applying the information to your workouts and life!

Access This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method Today!

BONUS #3 - A Community Of Continual Education

"The Exercise For Life Method FB Group"

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(Nearly) Every Thursday I do a Live broadcast for the members of The Exercise For Life Method group Facebook discussing different aspects and applications of The Exercise For Life Method.

Repetition is the mother of mastery, so if you want to truly be able to apply what you are going to learn in The Exercise For Life Method, being part of this group is an absolute must!

As soon as you order your copy, you will be able to join the group, catch all future broadcasts, and view past ones!

Get Instant Access For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method Today!

BONUS #4 - Top-Rated Audio Content

"A Compilation of The Most Important Episodes of the Exercise Is Health® Podcast"

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Since the beginning of 2018, Julie and I have released an episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast every single Wednesday... that's a lot of episodes!

Let us help you cut to the chase and get to the episodes that will land you the most bang for your buck when it comes to applying the principles in The Exercise For Life Method. We have compiled the most necessary episodes for you to listen to help you get everything you can from the secrets you will be learning.

Get Instant Access For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method Today!

BONUS #5 - Original Talks That Inspired The Book

"Unlimited Access To My Talks From the 2019 and 2021 Schaumburg Health Summits"

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At the Schaumburg Health Summits held in 2019 and 2021 I presented on different ways exercise can improve your health and longevity. These talks ended up being the basis for The Exercise For Life Method.

Dive deep into these important topics and more during my presentations from the past two Schaumburg Health Summits!

Get Instant Access For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Exercise For Life Method Today!

Like I said above, the book is FREE, all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling expense, and I will send the book to you anywhere in the world!

Like I said above, all I ask is that you help me cover the cost of the book, and I will send the book to you anywhere in the world for FREE!

Now I know you are probably thinking...

"I Don't Have Time To Exercise
(And Exercise Really Doesn't Feel Good When I Do)"

And that is exactly WHY you need to get a copy of The Exercise For Life Method.

If you already knew how to exercise consistently in a way that not only felt good for your body but continued to build your health and function year after year, you wouldn't need this book. The Exercise For Life Method will show you exactly what you need to be doing to build the health and function of your muscles, your joints, your cardiovascular system, your brain, and more in a way that is sustainable for your life and lifestyle.

And if you feel like you won't have time to do it all, don't worry! I show you the "20%" that get's you the "80%" of the results so you cut out the fluff and get right to what works.

All you have to do is let me know where to send your book and I will get it to you ASAP.

The book is already paid for, all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling.

And in case you are wondering...

There Is NO Catch!

This isn't one of those scams where you purchase something for "free" and then you get charged on a recurring basis for some program you didn't want in the first place.

This is a one-time, no-strings-attached payment for this book.

The reality is I could easily charge (at least!) 2-3 times the price of shipping and handling for this book, so why am I giving it to you for FREE?

It's pretty simple, really...

This information is THAT important. It NEEDS to be out to the masses, not kept in my head for only me and my clients to use. Every one of us is being misled by the mainstream fitness industry about what we are told exercise should be, and while this book won't necessarily stop that from happening, it can help to arm you with the TRUTH.

My hope is that, whatever your background or current exercise interest, this book will not only change how you view and think about exercise, but it will help you continue to do all of the things in life that bring you joy for as long as you want to do them.

To me, living in a world where people are uninhibited by their health, where they have true physical freedom, seems pretty fantastic, so I am hoping this book is a step in that direction.

And when you have finished reading it, if you think I have provided you tremendous value, I hope that you will be excited when I present more opportunities in the future to learn how to build your health and function through exercise.

But here's the thing...

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

I've only printed a few hundred of these books, and when they are gone...they are gone!

If this page is still up, the offer is still live to get this book for FREE. However, I reserve the right to pull this offer down at any time and price the book where it should actually be priced.

And I tell you what, if you purchase this book, read it, and decide that it absolutely is not worth the price of shipping and handling, then all you have to do is email me and I will refund you $9.95.

You can even keep the book! (Or at least give it to somebody who might find value in it...)

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order The Exercise For Life Method Today!

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  • Personal Copy of "The Exercise For Life Method"
  • ​30-Day Free Trial To The Exercise For Life Membership To Access Hundreds of On-Demand Workouts
  • ​​​Unlimited Replay of Live Q&A Session
  • ​​​Admission To The Exercise For Life Method Group on Facebook
  • ​​An Exclusive Compilation Of Episodes From The Exercise Is Health® Podcast
  • ​Unlimited Access To My 2019 and 2021 Schaumburg Health Summit Talks

Get All Of This Today For

Get All Of This Today For



Just Cover Shipping And Handling For The Book

Just Cover Shipping And Handling For The Book

This Limited Time Offer Will Expire, So Claim Your FREE Copy NOW Before They Are All Gone!

Thank you for taking the time to read to the bottom of this letter. I look forward to helping you Exercise For Life.

Here's to health,


P.S. In case you just skipped to the very bottom of this page, here is what's going on:

I have bought you a copy of my best-selling book, The Exercise For Life Method. I just need to know where to send it! I am sending it to you for FREE (yes, that's right - FREE). I am just asking that you cover the shipping and handling costs.

There's no catch. There's nothing that you are getting secretly enrolled in that will charge you again and again. This is just my way of saying, "Thank you for caring about your health."

All you have to do to get you FREE copy is click the button below. You won't regret it.

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Char­lie Cates, M.S. holds certifications as a mastery level Muscle Activation Techniques® Specialist (MATm), a MATRx® Full Body Specialist, a mastery level Resistance Training Specialist® (RTSm), and a Cer­ti­fied Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Charlie obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Williams College in 2010, where he played varsity basketball for four years. In 2016 he graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a Master of Science degree in exercise science.

Charlie and his wife, Julie, co-own their boutique exercise studio, Muscle Activation Schaumburg, in Schaumburg, IL. They host a weekly podcast called Exercise Is Health where they dispel many of the mainstream fitness myths and teach listeners how to Exercise For Life.

He resides in Chicago’s northwest suburbs with his wife and their two children.

Follow him on Instagram at @CharlieCates!

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Self Made Fitness, Inc., DBA Muscle Activation Schaumburg (c) 2022 - 2025 - 1187 Tower Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173 - SupportPrivacy & Refund Policy - Terms And Conditions

Self Made Fitness, Inc. DBA Muscle Activation Schaumburg (c) 2022-2025
1187 Tower Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173
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